Lv Gao
Calligrapher & Painter
Lv Gao, the famous calligrapher and painter, was born in Xinchang, China. He has graduated from Shanghai Theater Academy and sojourned in France for over 20 years. He is currently working as the chairman of the French Chinese Calligraphers & Painters Association and specialises in painting and antique appraising.
吕高, 中国现代著名书画家, 生于中国新昌。吕高毕业于上海戏剧学院舞美系,旅居法国巴黎20多年,从事书画创作和古玩鉴定与收藏,现任法国中国书画研究会会长。
吕高先生在书画艺术方面有较高的造旨, 他的中国画注重虚实结合,在古人的基础上融入现代面貌,简略的几笔,与生活拉开距离,进入超脱的禅境,追求“简洁”、“淡泊”、“平易”,个性强烈、鲜明。吕高先生的油画也尝试融合东西方情趣于一炉,有自己的格调,情韵独具。他创作的抽象派油画,得益于他在法国从事多年专业画家的经历,在抽象、无序的油画色彩中表现了他对生活的感受。

Name: Water Town 1
Medium: Acrylic on paper
Size: 100cmx75cm
Price: Please enquire

Name: Water Town 2
Medium: Acrylic on paper
Size: 75cmx100cm
Price: Please enquire